Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!!

Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of the course, the Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker or Psychologist will be able to:
-Discuss five strategies for parent-child interaction regarding autism spectrum disorder.
-Discuss four techniques for parents teaching children with autism spectrum disorder how to sleep better.
-Dicuss seven steps regarding parent-mediated interventions for toddlers with autism.
-Explain two techniques for parents regarding behavior training for children with autism spectrum disorder.
-Explain three techniques for environmental enrichment as a therapy for autism.
-Discuss three attribution in siblings of children on the autism spectrum.
-Discuss two strategies regarding family functioning and health related quality of life.
-Name the three advantages to VOCAs.
-Explain what did the team determine were priority target areas, during the PATH process.
-Name the three different approaches to responsibility and coping in a stressful situation.
-Explain the most important sources of support for mothers that led to lower stress levels.
-Explain why is humor and laughter in children with autism of particular relevance.
-Explain the rationale behind the use of natural, direct reinforcers.
-Explain the advantages of a child with autism playing music in an ensemble.
-Name one of the goals of language intervention for children with autism who are using single-word or single-symbol utterances.
-Name four approaches are used to increase interactions of school-age children with adults.
-Explain pivotal response training.
-Name five ways that diagnosing older children or individuals may differ from evaluation of young children in a number of important ways.
"The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise."